
Daddy's Apprentice

I can't write enough about how much James loves Matt.
Throughout the day when Matt is at school James says, "I miss dad!".

He gets so excited to pick him up from school everyday.

He tells Matt, "Dad I missed you" and "Dad?" ("Yes James?" says Matt) "I love you" about 10 times when we pick Matt up from school.

The moment we get home from picking Matt up from school he says, "Dad- lets go play in my room".

Saturdays are James' favorite. James gets to sit on daddy's lap in the morning and watch cartoons together and then they get to play all day together.

James knows Matt is going to school to be a dentist, and this past Saturday James was able to 'be a dentist like daddy' because Matt brought some of his 'pretend teeth' home. Here are the pictures:

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