

This Easter was a laid back holiday. I was VERY lucky because that Sunday I had the privilege  of teaching the young women in my ward about the atonement, so I had taken time to really ponder the meaning of the holiday. We did have fun celebrating Easter with the typical Easter egg hunts and nice Easter dinners though :)

In the morning we had a little Easter egg hunt for James just in our living room. It wasn’t anything special, but he LOVED it! He found all of the Easter eggs that were hidden and then started hiding them again himself so he could play the ‘game’ again! SO CUTE!

Here is James finding his eggs:




Here is James hiding the candy AFTER he has already collected everything :)  :


James LOVED opening up the eggs and finding out what was inside of them:


After church we went up to Lehi and had an Easter dinner with some family friends, the Burkers. James absolutely LOVES Bro. Burker and had fun playing with all of Bro. Burker’s grandkids.

Here is a picture of James with Matt in one of their Easter shirts (James had gotten his original shirt and vest dirty):

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The Burkers also had a scavenger hunt, but theirs was a lot more traditional since it was outside. James had a fun time finding his “boo” (blue) eggs.

Here are all of the grandkids and James just waiting to go outside and find their eggs! :


Daddy and James:



My handsome boys:


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