
Matt's Soccer Game

Matt is playing intramural soccer again, and so James and I get to support him at his games. This was one of Matt's first games. I wanted to take more pictures of Matt and his brother Stuart, but James kept wanting to get the soccer ball on the field (even though he had his own), so needless to say I only was able to get a few shots.

James and Matt playing soccer before the game. James LOVES kicking the ball!

He loved throwing the ball, running to it and kicking it back to the starting place.

Matt playing soccer- he had some awesome moves, I wish I would have gotten them on camera!

I am not sure why this picture looks a little wider, but it is really cute when it is normal :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Tell Matt that if I can convince micaela to keep playing soccer he can volunteer to be her coach WHEN you move down here