
For our Family :)

Here are some pictures of James for our family that is away :) Enjoy :)

James loves sitting in the rocking chair by himself and he loves any gear that deals with sports. Anytime he sees a bat, soccer ball, football or small basketball he immediately gravitates towards it, no matter what else is available.

Another thing that James LOVES is baths. Whenever we mention the word he heads directly to the bathroom. After his bath he like to run around the house with his hooded towel and act like a snake (grandpa Shipley would be proud). He "Sssssss's" and attacks us (especially Matt).

James is playing with one of Matt's belts- he is in this phase (and has been for the past few months) where he likes things that he can do and undo, then do and undo. For example, he likes to buckle the belt and unbuckle it OVER and OVER again. He also likes to put things into containers and take them out again (toys, crayons in the box, etc.)

He likes to look in the mirror and recently he tries to take the mirror off of the wall and look behind it to see what/who is there.

James loves to be in the bathroom with us- he LOVES to brush his teeth (but doesn't like for us to brush his teeth... which makes it hard since he doesn't do a good job on his own), he likes to watch us brush our hair and then brush his, he ALWAYS wants to flush the toilet and pull the toilet paper, and he likes to watch Matt shave.

So basically we have the cutest little boy ever!

1 comment:

Janene said...

Oh my heavens!!! He is simply to die for!!!