
A Day at the Park


Last week I decided to take James to the park even though it was pretty cold outside. He loves the outdoors, so I bundled Brooklyn up, and while she slept in her car seat, James and I had some fun!


When its not raining, Portland is so gorgeous!


I love James’ facial expression in this picture! One of his favorite phrases lately has been, “Hard Work”- he says that ALL the time (if he throws a diaper away, cleans up his toys, etc.), and that is exactly what he said after he climbed those steps:IMG_5446

Our cute little guy! (Whenever I call him ‘cute’, he corrects me and says, “No mom, not cute. Handsome!”)


He loves to try to make me laugh- he randomly does funny faces like the one below to make me laugh (and then he usually repeats that same face a dozen more times to keep getting a reaction)


I like how the color of the tunnel looks alongside the color of James’ sweater:IMG_5455

On the swing (it took so many shots to figure out how to get a good action picture while still getting the aperture correct!)

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