
Alaska Christmas Vacation: Christmas Eve

Besides Christmas Eve sledding, the Mauger’s have a few other traditions on Christmas Eve. One of the highlights of that night was the Christmas Eve party. A few friends of the Mauger’s come over for dinner, a talent show, reenactment of Christ’s birth, playing chimes and socializing. I mostly took video that night, so I don’t have many pictures, but here are a few that I was able to snap:

Our beautiful little girl:

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The nativity- Brooklyn was baby Jesus and James was a wise man:IMG_5080


I was such a proud mama at this moment (so corny but true!) :IMG_508118IMG_5085


Ashley did a Tahitian dance for her talent- ow ow!IMG_5096

One of the elders writes and plays his own music- the one song that he did as his talent brought me to tears! It was a song to Jesus from Joseph’s perspective. I don’t remember many of the lines, but one of the biggest themes from song that has stuck with me is Joseph telling baby Jesus to rest tonight because that would be his only night to rest for the rest of his life.



Chime time! James loved playing the chimes even though he didn’t play them correctlyIMG_5035  IMG_5042 IMG_5055     IMG_5093


After the party was over, the tradition of opening one gift (everyone opens a set of pj’s). We then take pictures together. Here are pictures of the family right after the party and then in our pj’s:

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