
Learning to Walk

Our friend Fallon had a walker for her little girl and James loved playing with it when we visited, so I thought that we would get one for him- he loves it! He can only use it on carpet because it is too slick to use on tile or wood, but he is slowly getting the hang of it! Everyday he is getting closer and closer to walking!

James' very first time using his walker! It was hard to get him to this point because he was so distracted by the toys that are on it!

He would push it as far as he could with his arms and then would let his legs catch up to it- he was definitely still getting the hang of it!

We let him sit on it and play with the toys- he loved that! Now we just have to teach him to move his feet in order to push it!

Matt was helping James towards the end because James kept falling down. He was probably getting tired and couldn't keep his balance after about 15 minutes of pushing it. We are so happy we got it! It was the best 18 dollars we have spent on a toy so far!

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