
Is today Day 4?

Is today day 4? I will soon find out if it is or not when I go home after a long day of work!

What is day 4 you ask? Or day 3, 2, or 1 for that matter?

Well, it all started Friday- I came home from my internship and Matt tells me: "James has.....DIARRHEA!" Of course I don't believe him- I insist that it is probably just a little bit more liquid-y than normal.

 Then he explains that James has gone through 5 outfits so far today.

I still don't believe him.

And then I hear something coming from James' direction... and then I see something coming down James' leg... and then I know that James really does have diarrhea!

The missionaries came over later that night and after dinner was over I went to get James out of his seat and it looked like I spilt baby green bean food all over his lap... but I didn't. Needless to say he immediately had another bath.

And then during church he had another explosion- completely destroyed his pants and his button down shirt. Luckily I brought an extra church outfit.

So now, I am getting ready to go home and the question I have is.... is today day 4?  I will soon find out!


Lauren and Brian Davis said...

Haha -- funny post!

Um Dr. Gray just makes EVERYTHING confusing. LOVE the man, but I never know what the heck he is talking about. Just write something-- anything -- and he will give you an A. I swear he is the easiest grader.

I am definitely feeling both excited and nervous! I have four weeks from today and I would happily have him come tonight, but then I start to freak out when I really think about it. HA!

Megan said...

Gross! That's the worst! Creed is like on day 9! No joke. At first he was sick, now we think he is just teething...but seriously, I have been doing laundry 24/7!

Hope he gets better soon! Miss you guys!