
To Workout or to not… that is the question


My entire last trimester that I was pregnant, I continuously committed to myself that once I had Brooklyn that I would start working out again.


And now the time has come and it is so hard to find the desire! I want to be one of those girls that loves to run, those girls that look so cute running with their jogger strollers, those girls that complete marathons (or even 10k for that matter!) while still being a mom… but the desire to get up and do it just isn’t there. Overall I am happy with how I look, but I would like to tone up and get stronger.

Today I worked out for the first time thanks to a Wii fitness program, and usually after a workout I feel glad that I worked out and more committed to continue, but not this time. Instead I just felt, “Are you sure you want to do this tomorrow Stephanie?”

So here is the point of this post: I NEED ADVICE! How does one overcome the stumbling blocks that come when starting a workout regime?


Ashley Farnsworth said...

I know it's a whole lot easier to workout if you find a workout friend. Maybe there some other moms in your ward that would get together every so often to do something. For me, I just have to tell myself to do it...many times that happens by me yelling at myself in my head haha. It takes a little bit of time before you get in the habit or mindset of working out. Keep at it!

Jane said...

This is so funny, because just the other night I was telling Alex that I feel guilty because I don't like running. Even when I'm doing pretty well at working out, I always feel like it's not good enough because I'm not one of those runner girls you describe! ha ha.

Obviously I don't have any advice from the mom side of things...but for me what helps me to work out is to find and do something I enjoy, start small so it isn't overwhelming at first, and try to make working out a part of the day where I can release stress and forget about my worries!

Good luck!