
Alaska here we come!

So we are completely thrilled to be going to ALASKA for the summer!! Yes I am STILL in school, but after my internship this summer (which is what is taking us to Alaska), I will be able to graduate! The date of graduation is still up in the air (long story- basically it’s TONS cheaper for me to be in school for health insurance purposes rather than me graduating… and we are poor so that makes it a tough decision).

Anyways, back to Alaska. We leave on the 22nd, so if anybody knows anyone who would like to take care of our place, let us know. We will be coming back to it in late August so all of our stuff is here, but rent will be EXTREMELY cheap.

I keep getting off track- back to Alaska :) Matt is going to be a stay at home dad while I do my internship. It will be nice because this will be the only opportunity for a long time that he will have this much interaction with James due to dental school. I will be doing an internship with Alaska Psychiatric Institute. I am in the therapeutic recreation department, so we will be working with the patients and doing things like yoga, crafting, and maybe even a little rock climbing and then therapeutically applying those activities to their lives to increase their self esteem, self efficacy, etc. I am nervous because though I have done the process before (recreation then therapy), I have never worked with this population before… so wish me luck!

We are very excited for James to spend some quality time with Matt’s family, since they have only seen him for about a week total!

Updates and progress about Alaska will surely come!

1 comment:

Spencer and Ashley said...

Definitely keep us posted! I am glad you are tons closer to graduating! It will be nice to finely have the diploma in your hand! Congrats on getting the internship so close to family!