
over the river and through the woods

Christmas was exciting. We chilled with los abuelos down in Summit which is always a good time. Grandpa has the funniest things to say like, "try some of those nigger toes," "smile luigi," and "just before christmas i'm as good as i can be!" to name a few. He has the amazing ability to sleep sitting up without having his head nod forward, which would make any normal man wake up constantly. amazing. Grandma is doing well too. her food is tasty tasty. we spent our time putting a puzzle together, watching old tymie christmas movies, and eating rediculous amounts of holiday candies. Needless to say, it was the bomb.com fa sho dog. peep the pics cha...

1 comment:

Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

you know how many pics i have of you passed out!!! Ha ha. Hey btw happy 1 year. I miss you!