
1 Samuel 1:27

"For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him" (1 Sam. 1:27)

You may (or may not) know, but when we found out that I was pregnant, I was excited and surprised. From that moment forward, every night during my night time prayers I would say, "I am so grateful to be pregnant, and if it be thy will, please grant me a tender mercy and let my child's eyes be blue" (or something to that effect). I know you are not suppose to have repititous prayers, but I sincerely wanted this seemly insignificant wish. I have deep brown eyes and Matt has hazel eyes, so the odds were not favorable, but I knew that Heavenly Father is a God of miracles.

And because of tender mercies I have this to look at everyday.

Everytime I look at his blue eyes I am reminded that God really does hear and answer our prayers... however insignificant they may seem to other people or the world.


Erin Kay said...

Steph you are so cute! Thanks for sharing this little story. It really made my day. Good thing our Father grants us those little things so when it comes to the big things our faith is sure.

Janene said...

Beautiful post! It made me cry. What better reminder could He have blessed you with..i love your testimony. Thanks for sharing : )

Lauren and Brian Davis said...

So sweet! His eyes are so pretty!

alexkhulme said...

aw this is so sweet!! when i get pregnant im going to pray for my olive skin and brians blonde hair....and maybe green eyes...

Jane said...

So sweet! I love this story. James is so handsome and his bright blue eyes are so radiant! :)