
6 months!

Wow! Time really does fly with James! Matt and I keep talking about how James really is getting so big! His personality shines through in everything he does!


He loves to laugh and Matt does the funniest things to make him laugh (like when James is on Matt’s shoulders, Matt will rub his hair against James’ face and James absolutely LOVES it! He can laugh for 20 minutes straight when Matt does that!)


Another funny update that James has started doing is coughing. Whenever I am getting ready to feed James and he sees me getting ready, he starts to ‘fake’ cough. Or whenever he sees a bottle his ‘fake’ cough begins. He has recently even started ‘fake’ coughing whenever he is just hungry. What a silly little guy!

We recently got James a walker and he loves loves loves it! He loves to go into the kitchen with it and try to pull things off of the fridge door or pull the hand towel off of the oven door.


James now rolls over from his back to tummy! He has rolled over from his tummy to back for some time, but now that he can move both ways, he is a rolling machine!

On March 4th James got his first tooth!!! Yay! It is his bottom middle tooth :) We didn’t notice any unusual symptoms like irratibility, slobbering, etc. EXCEPT for biting. It is so funny to watch- I will be holding him and out of nowhere he will attack, literally attack, my clavicle. This past weekend, after his tooth had emerged, he did start showing symptoms of a fever, restless nights, and extreme fussiness. I took him into the doctors office this morning to make sure that it wasn’t an ear infection and sure enough he is just showing signs of teething. The doctor said that he thinks that another tooth is coming in right beside the current tooth! I tried to take a picture of the tooth, but it is impossible :(


James is starting to not like his car seat :( He has realized that he can squirm to make it harder for mommy to buckle him up :)032

We had a mini traumatic moment at the beginning of February. I woke up to James having blood over his eye. It ended up just being a small cut on his eyebrow, but it definitely scared me!



Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

sooo cute! He has gotten big! You comming down to cc anytime soon!?

Megan said...

He is SO big and cute! We are so excited to play this week!We love the church picture-so sweet!

Janene said...

How precious!! He's darling and it looks like he sure is keeping you busy! You're looking so beautiful!