
5 months!

James is already 5 months old and with that comes some fun moments and milestones!

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He is learning to sit up on his own- he does great when he is on the couch or when he can hold on to something to help stabilize his body.



He loves to read books. He is really good at holding the book, touching the pictures, and trying to put the book in his mouth.



He has learned to roll over on his tummy now by going left (he first learned to roll over by going right) but he still prefers the right side. He hasn’t learned to roll back just yet.



He puts everything he can in his mouth!



He has started eating solids!! The first food he ate was bananas, followed by carrots and recently applesauce. Carrots were his least favorite but he still ate them :)



He really enjoys his baby einstein toy!

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James absolutely loves wearing his birthday suit but we rarely let him because he always seems to pee within the first two minutes! Such a silly boy!



Since Matt is at school and work for most of the day everyday, James loves playing with him when he gets home!



One of James’ favorite things to eat are his feet! He loves bending in positions that would kill me if I tried to copy him.



This daily ritual of bundling up is now a habit for James and he always looks forward to going outside. Matt comes home the same time that I head to class, so James gets to go outside in the cold for a little bit in order to do the switch-er-roo!

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