
Two months old!

That’s right- James is two months old! Here are some of the highlights over the past few weeks :)

We went to a Halloween party and these were our costumes!

week 6 024

An closer look at James:week 6 031 - Copy

A cute Halloween outfit Grandma Mauger got him:

week 6 029

James got his two month shots :( He was a tough kid though- he only cried for about 30 seconds and then was fine!


A closer look (his thighs are so chubby!)


Whenever James takes baths he holds his fists in the air and gets a frightened look on his face, but he doesn’t say anything. Afterwards he is all smiles though… I don’t know if it is because he is glad he is out of the water or if he enjoyed bath time!


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James still doesn’t like tummy time, but he definitely gets his head up pretty high. He will usually get his head up about 6 inches off the ground for about 5-7 minutes, and then he gets fussy.


My favorite thing is when he rests his head right under my chin- it doesn’t happen a lot because he loves to hold his head up and look around, but whenever it does happen, it makes my day!


He can’t sit up on his own yet, but he really likes it when we use something like the boppy to prop him up.

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Recently James has started hitting his toys that hang below him. He still loves to stare and them (he can lay and stare at them for 15 minutes straight!) but every now and then he now reaches up to hit them!

Week 9 010

Another new happening is the swing- he now loves to sit in his swing! Up until about a week ago whenever I would sit him in it he would start crying, but randomly he now likes it! (Which is nice for mom because now I can do chores more easily!)

Week 9 029

The last discovery that James has made recently is that of his legs. He now likes to lift his legs and butt off the ground and put his knees close to his chest. We haven’t taken any pictures of that yet, but here is one last picture of him instead :)

Week 9 026 - Copy


Jennifer Kremer Oliva said...

When are you comming to TX!? I want to meet your lil one!

ecometrochic said...

The give away is open to everyone, so come stock up! It is at the church on 800 N just past State street (500 W). I think it opens to the public at 10:30 a.m. What happens is the MBA spouses' association gets community donations, goes through the goods, then lets everyone else come through them too. Heidi Connelly and Amelia Allred are my hookups for dates, times, and locations. I think these happen once a quarter.

And cute baby James. They grow so fast!