

It has been a very hectic month with school coming to an end and finals coming and going, so needless to say I have had to postpone blogging. But the time has now come to update again! At the beginning of this month we went to the doctor to find out the sex of the baby!!! We were THRILLED when we found out that it is a BOY!!! I wasn't sure what to expect at this ultrasound- I initially thought that it would be fast and we would find out the sex and leave. Surprisingly and gratefully, we were able to see so much more- we saw in detail the face, including the teeth and nose, the four chambers of his heart beating, his arms, legs, skull, and of course body. This doctors visit went by too fast, but I am definitely grateful that we got it all on video so I can watch it anytime I want!

We definitely haven't solidified a name yet, but we have a list of about seven names that we like. The dilemma that we are facing is that we want to pick a solid name that is respectable at every age, especially when he is grown (we refer to this as a 'general authority' name). Examples of this include Thomas, Benjamin, Samuel, etc. We like those but then we also want a element of cuteness and originality (by originality I DO NOT mean extreme names). Examples of this include Owen, Connor, Ethan, etc. So we are stuck trying to find middle ground with these two elements. If anybody has any name suggestions, we would gladly listen!

Along with the ultrasound, other baby news is the increase in his movements. I usually feel him kick from 30-50 times a day. Yesterday, for example, he would not stop moving! I feel him about once an hour for a series of 5 or so kicks each time. I have talked to several moms that have said that the movement from the baby will get annoying, but right now every time I feel him (which is often) my heart 'is happy' because I know that he is doing well.

Well there is a lot more to blog about when it comes to the baby like the crib purchase and the colors that we picked out for his room, my strange lingering morning sickness that I still have (and I am 24 weeks along!), my increasing excitement for mom-hood and my fears about it as well. I also could talk about our vacation to visit my family this past month and our summer plans, but I will save all of this for another blog!

P.S. This blog is especially dedicated to Fallon :)

1 comment:

Brice and Fallon said...

finally! Thank you thank you...now it is time for another one since I already read this one :) I hope everything is going well. I cant wait for your little one to get here. Claire is already a beast of a child in size so that has been fun. Call me soon ok we need to play