
My wonderful husband

This is just a thank you to my amazing husband who has had to put up with a lot because of this pregnancy. Not ever being constantly around someone who has been pregnant, I had no clue about all the twists that pregnancy would throw at a husband and wife.

One of the many twists is smell- smells really bother me to the point where I can't open our pantry because of the natural mixture of all of the food's smells. This would also explain why my husband has been living off of soups, ravoli, and other quick pasta dinners instead of our normal meals. The smells literally make me so sick that it has been nearly impossible to cook a decent meal.

Another twist brought about by pregnancy are my major 'food' swings. One moment I will feel completely normal (whatever 'normal' is with the constant nausea) and literally one minute later I will need food immediately or else I will get sick. Crazy- I never knew that happened, but after talking to other pregnant women, it is common. To make matters worse, at that point of extreme nausea, movement to the kitchen or anywhere else for that matter ensures immediate vomiting. So, my poor husband has to go to the kitchen and quickly find me something that sounds edible amidst my eating aversions.

Recently with my immediate morning sickness when I wake up, I can't get out of bed without getting sick, so Matt brings me my 'non-vomiting' medicine along with breakfast. Talk about daily breakfast in bed! My husband is wonderful!!!

Matt has done this and many more things that aren't typically his job while being overloaded with school and work. He is out of the house by 7:30 in the morning, doesn't get home until 6:30, and typically has about 3 hours of homework and TA stuff to do. All in all my husband has definitely surpassed his duties in caring for me and has really shown me what charity really means. I love him and will always be grateful for the constant love that he shows to me!

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